NCornia wrote:
Are you trying to change the Figure Name of a Figure? Or the Drawing Name of a Drawing?
Best regards,
It is a photograph, well, a series of photographs...all the houses along one side of the street. I have placed them side by side and all that shows are the addresses (simple title) w/o a scale.
The pictures I wanted to rename are the main house of my project, wanted to name them 252 Third (Existing) and 252 Third (Proposed). AC18 will not change the name in the info box for either.
I don't know if it is a picture or a drawing...I copied street scapes in google, saved them in Preview; took them into Photoshop to crop and name, laid them out in the first/second floor of ArchiCAD, used organizer to move them from 1st, 2nd floor in AC18 to the view; then took this picture/preview/drawing and placed on a blank layout, resized, reworked, added text; but back on the floior plan where all the originals live, this particular picture (and most of the pictures) will not allow a change of title...
I mean, this is a simple thing, I have changed names on the fly for years....but this is my first project in 18 and it is slowing me down and I just want to go back to 16.