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Composite Wall Corner issues

Not applicable
Please see the attached image. It should be clear what my question is. How do I do it? In the image, I have manually drawn in the lines and fills. It looks terrible in 3D.

#1 - Is this possible?
#2 - How?

Corner Issue.gif
When You Wish Upon A Star
Louis Armstrong

When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you

If your heart is in your dreams
No request is to extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do

It would be nice.....
Tom Waltz
sirduncan wrote:
#1 - Is this possible?
only in yours, mine, tom's and louis armstrong's dreams.
#2 - How?
make a wish. and make it big.

call your local graphisoft reps, dealers, distributors and anybody else that you can think of. pester them day-in-day-out. they've gotta start listening one day, right???

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Not applicable
But seriously, though:

We get over this problem by not using composite walls - or at least by using a wall made of 2 composites.

In your example, sirduncan, the inner leaf (timber frame?) with its plaster finish would be one composite, common to both walls. The outer leaf would be a different composite in each of the 2 wall types.
The disadvantage is that, at each opening, you have to create a matching 'empty' opening in one of the composites.

Having said that, I still hit junctions like the one you show, and end up exploding the elements into lines and fills until it looks right! Then you have to keep exploding the composite on the adjoining walls until you get to a place where you can't see the unwanted line at the join with the unexploded composite!

Not supposed to be like this!
Keith wrote:
Having said that, I still hit junctions like the one you show, and end up exploding the elements into lines and fills until it looks right! Then you have to keep exploding the composite on the adjoining walls until you get to a place where you can't see the unwanted line at the join with the unexploded composite!
ugh! if you really must go this route, try the p-a-t-c-h tool (i even hate to say it's name out loud!):

- draw a marquee around the junction that's not cleaning up
- Tools>Create Patch...
- save it as an object in your library - use a sensible name that describes the the type of junction or location.
- archiCAD automatically places a 2D 'patch' in the location of the marquee over the top of the model elements.
- it has a cover fill that masks the elements below, so select it using quickSelect by cshift clicking the fill.
- File>GDL Objects>Open Object... with the object already selected, archiCAD opens that object by default
- open the 2D Symbol window and draft the representation of the junction you require.
- update as necessary if and when the model underneath changes . . .

(... and i can't really believe i've just dedicated my time to explaining the patch tool. please never use it. really.)

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Patch Tool: The tool that GS spent time on instead if making another tool work properly...
Tom Waltz
TomWaltz wrote:
Patch Tool: The tool that GS spent time on instead if making another tool work properly...
mr waltz.

please ask for decaff tomorrow. and maybe take up some yoga. go find that inner peace, man! gotta be more to life to get worked up about, no?
b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
~/archiben wrote:
TomWaltz wrote:
Patch Tool: The tool that GS spent time on instead if making another tool work properly...
mr waltz.

please ask for decaff tomorrow. and maybe take up some yoga. go find that inner peace, man! gotta be more to life to get worked up about, no?
Wow, when Ben "The Terminator" Frost has a comment like that, you know I've been on a rampage.... 😄

Yes, I admit that some days the pressure of two jobs, school, and bike racing catch up with me.... but you'll note that the "two jobs" both are "working with Archicad", which is where my frustrations can most build up....
Tom Waltz
Not applicable
Well I'm glad to see others are interested in this option also. I have considered the 'patch' too, but I'm not interested in 'patches'. I'm interested in it working like I want it to. Yes, I've contcted my reseller and will continue to push it. Is it safe to assume that this is NOT an upgrade that will be available in AC 10?

Besides that, the patch doesn't do any good in 3D anyway. I need to show 3+ inches of brick on the stucco side of the corner before the stucco begins. Maybe I should just build myself a 3D object that does the job in 2D also? Anyone have one of those?
I need to show 3+ inches of brick on the stucco side of the corner before the stucco begins. Maybe I should just build myself a 3D object that does the job in 2D also? Anyone have one of those?
have you thought about butting the stucco wall into the brick wall rather than them meeting exactly. e.g. overrun the brick wall a couple of mm/fractions of an inch . . . might do the trick and not even notice on the drawings. not great. slightly ugly. but workable?

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup