About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

Copy / paste parameters

OK, I am losing my mind. Let say you draw a wall 8" thick, 10' tall and one wall 12" thick and 12' tall. Now you want to copy the parameters 8"thick wall to the other wall. Easy right, option click on 8" wall and command click on the 12" wall to transfer the parameters to the second wall.

What the heck, It is not working in AC12. So I checked in AC9, not working there either. Or am I completely messed up and totally forgot how to do this simple task?

I am working with a Mac and running OSX 10.6.4. Is there a conflict with OS 10.6.4 shortcuts and ArchiCAD.

This is making me pull my hair out, what is left of it anyway.

Robert Mariani
MARIANI design studio, PLLC
Architecture / Architectural Photography

Mac OSX 13.1
AC 24 / 25 / 26
I never worked on MAC, but I guess to transfer the parameters the short cut is "holding down Option + CMD" and not just the Option key.

Did you tried the parameter transfer with the icon instead of the shortcut? Is it still not working?
ArchiCAD Services
ArchiCAD since v9 to latest
iMac, Windows 10
Not applicable
Hi Robert,
alt+click to suck the parameters, cmd-alt+click to inject them 😉

Rod Jurich
FrankyCH wrote:
Francois, means s_u c k
Rod Jurich
AC4.55 - AC14 INT (4204) |  | OBJECTiVE |
Fran_ois Chatelain
Hi Rod,
that's exactly right, referring to the icons popping up when invoking these shortcuts.
Censorship didn't even cross my mind when writing the previous post 😉

François Chatelain
Worldwide Digital Imaging
Formerly posting as RanXerox
"A little bump will help blur your reflections"
Hey Everyone,

Thanks for your input. Believe it or not, it was AC not me causing the problem. I called a buddy of mine, he said he saw this happen before where standard AC commands just flat out stopped working. He suggested I dump AC and reinstall.

I did just that. Now I am Option + Clicking to pick up parameters and Option + Command clicking to paste parameters as I thought it should do.

What is really weird is after reinstalling AC 12 the commands started working in AC 9 again. So I am wondering if something in the AC dongle was the real problem but gut fixed when I reinstalled.

Anyway, it works now.....thanks again and thanks to my friend Dave in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Robert Mariani
MARIANI design studio, PLLC
Architecture / Architectural Photography

Mac OSX 13.1
AC 24 / 25 / 26