2006-01-18 03:11 AM
2006-03-09 05:51 PM
2006-03-10 02:50 AM
"I came up with this trick when I was searching for a way to show a ground-floorplan in 3D and resurrect only those parts which were of particular interest. This can be done in the following way:In his method, he created a plot file of the floorplan (.plt), and opened the file in PlotMaker, where everything will more-or-less be exploded.
1)Make a DWG-file of your ground-floorplan
2) Open the DWG-file as an object
3) Check for the 3D information. Choose a non-binary 3D Object, if you'd like to adjust soem elements of the drawing (Note: this can be somewhat tricky)
The object will contain the same information in both 2D and 3D - just what we need."
2006-03-10 02:58 AM
Shingo wrote:I've had the same problem. The text did not show up for me either when I tried this.
In his method, he created a plot file of the floorplan (.plt), and opened the file in PlotMaker, where everything will more-or-less be exploded.
I tried doing that too, but it seems like the text does not want to show up in 3D VIEW.
2006-03-10 03:43 AM
2006-03-10 04:42 AM