Barry wrote:
I have not been able to find anything written about how to create a PLA of personal libraries, can anyone help? Thanks.
1. Open a new ArchiCAD file.
2. Go to File/Library Manage... and load only the Libraries you wish to compress. (Do NOT load the ArchiCAD Library)
3. Go to File/Save As... and in the Save Plan dialog box chose "ArchiCAD Archive Project [*.pla]" (1. in picture below)
4. Name the file (e.g., XXX_library.pla) and click on the Options button (2. in picture below)
5. In the Archive Options dialog box be sure to check "Include All Parts of Loaded Libraries" (3. in picture). You probably will NOT check any of the other 3 Options unless you know that you have a special need to do so. For example, if you need a special background picture with an object; or texture or whatever..
6. Click OK; click Save
All that being said... why would you do this? If you wiill never add to this library OK; if it's a 3rd party library you will never add to... probably OK.
If it's a dynamic library... you keep creating new parts and adding to it; no.