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Detail Boundaries not showing up in Plotmaker

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We have just started using detail windows in earnest and when we place one in the section window, then save/redefine/update, we get the detail marker showing up on the plotmaker drawing, but the detail boundary doesn't show up.

I've looked for some setting or Display Option, but can't find any that will make it appear.

Any ideas?(he said, hoping it wasn't something simple that would again make him feel stupid...)
David Maudlin

Have you looked at Options>Display Options... Detail Boundary: Show or Hide? The display options are one of the settings of the Viewset, so they need to be set up correctly when defining (or redefining) the viewset. These settings then determine what shows up (or not) in PlotMaker.

Hope this helps.

David Maudlin / Architect
Digital Architecture
AC28 USA • Mac mini M4 Pro OSX15 | 64 gb ram • MacBook Pro M3 Pro | 36 gb ram OSX14
Not applicable
I double-checked the Display Options in AC for that section and it has the Detail Boundaries box set to "show." (Isn't that setting just for display, though? Those top settings don't affect the output to Plotmaker, do they?)

Thanks for the input.
Not applicable
can you post a screenshot? as I recall, the detail boundary (which I don't think can plot anyway) only shows up on the 1st box drawn to establish a detail. perhaps you are working with copies of the detail, or linking to an existing detail when you draw your marker?

David Maudlin

In addition to Wes's request for screen shots, some more information might help:
1. Are you missing the boundary in the plan and/or section window, or the boundary that shows up in the detail window?
2. If in the plan and/or section window, are you missing the editable boundary that defines the size of the detail, or the graphic boundary who's appearance is defined under the General Settings parameters for the marker.
3. Which marker are you using, are all markers acting the same way?
4. In PlotMaker, are you importing directly from the archiCAD file or creating a pmk file to bring into PlotMaker?

Hope this helps.

David Maudlin / Architect
Digital Architecture
AC28 USA • Mac mini M4 Pro OSX15 | 64 gb ram • MacBook Pro M3 Pro | 36 gb ram OSX14