About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

Door and Window are not showing

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Why are doors and window i try to insert are not showing on floor plan window ?,Plz help me out
I notice there is no default layer provision for door an windows in Archicad 11 which am using,(can this be the reason ?) though i create e new layer for doors and windows still they are not showing.

Waitng for your response

Thank you

Stephen Dolbee
One thing to check. Make sure the "floor plan display" is not set to "outlines only" or "overhead all".
AC19(9001), 27" iMac i7, 12 gb ram, ATI Radeon HD 4850 512mb, OS 10.12.6
Erika Epstein
You might also check your cut plane heights and MVO ( model view options) associated with the view.
Architect, Consultant
MacBook Pro Retina, 15-inch Yosemite 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Mac OSX 10.11.1
Onuma System

"Implementing Successful Building Information Modeling"
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I notice there is no default layer provision for door an windows in Archicad 11 which am using,(can this be the reason ?) though i create e new layer for doors and windows still they are not showing.
Femi, doors and windows don't (and can't) have their own layer. They are associated with the wall in which they are inserted. This wont be the problem you are having!

If you can see them in the 3D view, then they must be there somewhere! Check they are not appearing on another storey by accident also.
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All the suggestions here are possibilities along with one other.
I had this happen once because I had the story set as only 1 foot high.
In my case the model would show in 3d just fine but in plan view, since wall height was below my cut plain, it did not show the (edit:windows, but doors showed fine).
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have searched for my problem and this one seems the closest,
when i try and place a window into a second floor wall, it does not show up, when i view it in 3D mode and pivot the image, i can see the window there but only'just'. seems that it is there but actually in the wall.
however, when i move the wall away from the building and then place the window again it shows up perfect.

so the problem is only associated when the wall is in its final position,

any help greatly apprecieated.
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One possibility is that

-- You might be placing two walls on top of one another or may be the wall on the lower floor is extending to the second floor,where you unknowingly position another wall to place a window,
so when you eventually place the window, the other wall which is also there (like inserting two walls) is covering your window.
in this case it will be better to control the placing of the walls, either you allow the wall on the first floor to extend to the second floor by increasing it's height (you might need to choose the "show on all relevent floor option" in the wall tool setting dialogue box), then place your window,but remember to set the anchor option of the parameter setting of window setting dialgue box as "sill to story instead of wall base")in that same wall on the second floor.
or you limit the height of the wall on the first floor to the first floor story height, and place another wall over it on the second floor level,into which you can now place the window.
