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Error messages in converted PLN

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OK, here goes.....

I have spent quite a large percentage of today's working hours converting an AC9 PLN and Layout book to AC10 combined into one file. I think I have followed instructions (from last weeks "Intro to AC10" training session) but someone may be able to point out the error of my ways.

I had an AC9 PLN file, approx 17Mb in size, a Performing arts centre, not the most conventional structure but seems to be modelling o.k.

Also - PM9 Layout book containing usual Floor Plans, Elevations and Sections (live), and about 20 (yes 20) perspective views, both Internal Engine shaded views and hidden line, also live linked.

Opened PLN and LBK in separate sessions of AC10, saved under new names (to protect the innocent) then MERGED ex-LBK file into the newly created AC10 PLN file.

Proceeded to link drawings to internal file ALL IN ONE HIT- Plans, Sections, Elevations updated fine, got to perspective / axo views, did a few, then crashed.

Opened AC again, Proceeded to link drawings to internal file INDIVIDUALLY- Plans, Sections, Elevations updated fine, got to perspective / axo views, did a few, then crashed while Auto-saving.

Opened AC again, turned off Autosave, Proceeded to link drawings to internal file INDIVIDUALLY- Plans, Sections, Elevations updated fine, got to perspective / axo views, did a few, saved, did a few more, saved etc. till all were updated.

New AC file had earlier been approx 75MB before all views updated, so saved with Compression ON - reduced to 30MB. Everything seemed o.k.

Made some modifications to one elevation (deleted some 2D elements). Updated Elevation view. Update still shows elements that were just deleted.

Went back to Elevation and while it was regenerating got a couple of error messages - one saying something about an error with a Urinal object, the next message saying "Not enough room in heap zone" - now all 3D information is not visible, and I am left with only 2D elements I had drawn over the 3D model.

I'm going home now, 'cos it's nearly 6pm, and I've had enough. But when I get back to the office in the morning there will be lots of messages from all you helpful Forum members telling me what I have done wrong, and words of encouragement saying "It'll be o.k., honest". A plain english explanation of the "heap zone" error message would be appreciated.

I look forward to your replies. Oh, and please don't laugh at me.....or call me a tw@t.

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OK, further to this (no I haven't gone home yet) when I now try to Save the file I get "unable to save file, not enough room in heap zone" message. For the record the indicators show 17.2GB of hard disc space free, and 112Mb of my 1GB RAM available.

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s2art wrote:
Opened PLN and LBK in separate sessions of AC10, saved under new names (to protect the innocent)
Changing the names causes problems. If you must do it, change them in 9 first and make sure all the links are intact before converting. I find it easier just to archive the AC/PM9 files to another folder or a CD before conversion.

So far when I have followed the standard procedure (convert LBK then merge into PLN - with no name change) I have had all the links update automatically with no problems.
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Sounds good NOW, thanks Matthew. Next time......