The image uploaded represents 2 framing members, modeled using Objective, viewed in 2D plan-view.
If I want to split/trim the ends off each one, so they bi-sect neatly with each other, how can I get the cursor to snap to the exact intersection of the outside lines of each object? (Without tracing the object with temporary lines, from corner hotspot to corner hotspot)
This apparent inability (AFAIK) to get guidelines and cursor snaps with GDL objects is a serious disability. Is it an AC shortfall, or some switch that add-on/GDL programmers need to turn on when they create their objects?
I wonder, because it's kind of inconsistent - a CadImage's Profiler object has one side of its object's profile, in 2D, as a "hot line" (where the cursor changes to a mercedes and intersections can be found). Unfortuately, the line on the other side of the profile (for a rectangular profile, for example) is completely dead, so it's not a useable alternative for me.
I'd use Objective for a significant amount of modeling if the guidelines and snapping were available. As it is now, I only use it when I absolutely can't use any of the inbuilt tools that do have these modeling aids.