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How to make profiler object "transparent" in plan

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I've made some custom cornice/coping details with the profiler tool and I need to make them show as transparent or just a hidden line so as not to block out the walls in plan view.
What's the best way?
Do I adjust the layers?
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Since you have gotten no other replies and I can't think of any way
in Archicad to disable the fill, the only way I know of is to
go into the 2D script of the library part and alter the code.
Depending on what you want, there several alternate ways
of doing this. I am not going to suggest a particulat way now
because I don't know how much GDL you know and
don't know if you want to get into this at all.
Peter Devlin
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Thanks Pete.....

It seems to be a problem with most of the AC objects....ie: roof accesories,
I mean.....isn't a 2D floor plan mearly a horizontal cut thats about 4'-0" above finish floor? Remember Drafting 101?
I should think that all objects shown above this "cutting plane" to be hidden line represented.
I suppose I could customize layer settings to show the object only in 3D or elevation /section views?
We've always put such things on a trimwork layer that is turned oof in plan.
Tom Waltz
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I take it from your reply that you do not want to get into
GDL to solve your problem.
As to drafting 101, yes I remember very well asking the
question at what height is the assumed horizontal cutting plane and
my instructer saying at about 6'-7" above finish floor.
I asked why. He said this will cut all doors and most
windows even windows with unusualy high sill heights.
Concerning the issue of AC objects desplaying in hidden line if above
a certain height.
I write library parts and one of the fundimental issues of judgement
is when (if ever) to second guess the user.
AC is not psychic. It can't know at what height you think the cutting
plane should be at. Therefore the only solution is to offer the user
a display choice or option. Often, regretably, this is not offered.
Peter Devlin
Karl Ottenstein
Antonin wrote:
Do I adjust the layers?
As Tom said, yes: this is what layers and layer combinations are all about.

AC 28 USA and earlier   •   macOS Sequoia 15.3.1, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
Karl Ottenstein
Antonin wrote:
I mean.....isn't a 2D floor plan mearly a horizontal cut thats about 4'-0" above finish floor?
No... a floor plan is a stylized representation that does not correspond to any specific cut height. Generating it is part of the magic that AC does for us. If you want a cut height plan, you can create one via the 3D window with some awkward steps...

AC 28 USA and earlier   •   macOS Sequoia 15.3.1, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB