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How to open an old .PLN ( 7.0) if I have archicad 13

Not applicable
Subject, i might add that i saw on graphisoft in downloads - converters, but there was written that they are for versions: 10, 9, 8. How can I open version 7 document possessing archicad 13.

Thank you for your answers

P.S. I'm sorry for my bad English.
Piotr wrote:
It is just cosmetic for user to know what type of program is installed, does not affect the running or not the software.
I copied all AC prior 13 to "Program Files" so that the opening 12 and lower AC projects on 32 or 64 bit OS will not cause problems when working cross platform (32/64 bit win) - as it will otherwise.
Hi Piotr, didn't know about the cosmetic part - never messed with it.

Could you explain the second part of your post in more detail? Did you copy the already installed program folder to "Program Files" or did you directly install there? Also, what problems were you anticipating with the installation in "Program Files (x86)"? I'm very interested to know.

Thanks & regards,
= v i s t a s p =
bT Square Peg
| AC INT | Win11 | Ryzen 5700 | 32 GB | RTX 3050 |
Could you explain the second part of your post in more detail? Did you copy the already installed program folder to "Program Files" or did you directly install there? Also, what problems were you anticipating with the installation in "Program Files (x86)"? I'm very interested to know. 
On my current setup (win7 64 bit) I installed AC 13 and 14...all others I use I just copied the older versions(from backup) - and yes - I copied them to >program files\Graphisoft< so when opening a file on older computer with XP (32 bit) on AC 12 and downwards will not result in library error and so on when opening such file from the XP computer on win7/64 - I mean the plugins libraries and the AC own library.

Best Regards,
So 12 and earlier are like portable apps?
= v i s t a s p =
bT Square Peg
| AC INT | Win11 | Ryzen 5700 | 32 GB | RTX 3050 |