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I've Created a Keynote Schedule/System. part 1 of 3

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After finding out that AC does not have much of any easy way of using keynotes and trying out the AutoKeyNotes from Objects Online, I was not too thrilled. I will have to get a credit back for that. I was able to create a keynote object that I can place with a label (with or without an arrow) and open the keynote object settings and add the note. Boy is it a work around but I had to have this.

First I made separate layers for the new keynote object; a-keynote-siteplan, a-keynote -floor, a-keynote-existing floor, a-keynote-reflected ceiling, a-keynote-ext elev, a-keynote-int elev, a-keynote-sections and so on (this is how I like to name them), and put them on their corresponding layer combinations.

I then opened up the label settings and used the “Keynote Label-AMA” that I got from this thread, (I like this one better then the ones supplied with AC)
(thank you “fuzzytnth3”), set it up the Label how I wanted it and then saved multiple copies of them as a favorite with its own layer in the newly created layers listed above.

Then I drew a circle with a 1/8” dia, saved it as an object, reopened the object and added a title parameter that says “Keynote” with a text parameter that says “Note” and resaved it as “Keynote Object” in my library part dir.

Opened object settings, found the new “Keynote Object” and saved multiple copies of them as a favorite on its own layer in the newly created layers listed above. Then opened each saved favorite “Keynote Object” in object settings, checked “Label Object”, clicked “Label Settings…” and assigned a newly created label from the label Favorites (with the same layer as the “Keynote Object”), closed Label Settings, assigned #1 for the object ID (at this time you can place your keynote comment under the objects parameters or place your “Keynote Object”, reopen it and add your comment) and closed Object settings.

I can now place the “Keynote Object” with the attached Label. The object and label are placed with one click, it would have been nice with three clicks so I could place the label where I want but I guess I can’t get it all. I just have to stretch the label around the way I want after placing the object, but it doesn’t seem too bad.

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part 2

I now make my Keynote Schedule in IS. In Scheme settings I set the criteria to “Layer” and the value to which ever layer that my schedule will represent. In the Fields settings I added “ID” from the “Available Parameters section” and “Note” from the object itself in the “Additional Parameters”. Now I just duplicate this process for each keynote schedule I want, floor plan, elevations, etc.

The nice thing about IS is that I can set the Criteria to Stories, Element ID or what ever. I chose layers because I will or may have multiple keynote schedule reading from one story (floor plan, reflected ceiling etc) so I didn’t want one schedule reading from another schedules keynote ID’s.
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part 3

Now with elevations and sections, since IS won’t read the ID info from my “Keynote Object” when place in S/E (only on a story) I have to do another work around. I again place all of my “Keynote Objects” with the labels in the S/E, number them and add the notes. When I make sure that I am done placing them (maybe when your ready to place the schedule on a layout) I select all of the objects, copy and pasted them to a story. Now the schedule will read them because they are in the Model space (on a story). I ended up setting a story below zero with the elevation at zero named Keynotes. Now I can place all of the S/E “Keynote Objects” with the labels on that Keynote story and have no problems with IS. I will have to see how it works out having a separate story for just Keynote objects but so far there are no interfering problems. But I could always place it on any story and just keep the “Keynote Objects” layer off.

The thing I really like is I can open the IS and edit my comments their as opposed to just opening the “Keynote Objects” parameters. The things I don’t like (but I will deal with) is that I had to make/place an object so I could assign it a label (just wish the IS could read the Id of just a label). Also the S/E work around and I wish that when I place the “Keynote Object” I could place the label so I don’t have to go back and re-stretch it. But like I said, I will deal with it.

This was a task of trial and error for me but now that I have it I’m very happy. I just hope that GS implements this type of Keynote Schedule sometime soon with many more options.
