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I wish Graphisoft didn't surcharge resale buyers over $2000.

So I have two keys and as it turns out, the economy stinks and I need to sell one of my "assets" to make ends meet. I figure that with the investment made in ArchiCAD over the past 10+ years (and 10 before that with other companies money) that there would be some equity in it.

So following proper procedure, I contact my reseller to find out how to go about selling (I've done it before, so I knew there were some hoops to jump thru). It is here I find out that after I sell my ArchiCAD Key to a 3rd party, THEY will HAVE TO PAY over $2000.00 to register the key in their name!

Ok... so I flipped my lid... and shot back an angry email... but the only response I got... "Well, try reselling AutoCAD" ...

Yes, I am still miffed. I just wonder how many people out there actually know about this policy. The policy has changed over the past 20 years. I am curious about when and how I actually AGREED to this policy. But, like everyone else here, I gloss of the EULA's. Apparently this policy changed around April this year. I am not clear how a company can sell me a product (asset) and then continue, after the fact, to create policy that removes all equity from it.

And the real questions is WHY? "How could it possibly cost $2000.00 to change a name and address in a database? To be fair (someone has to) $600 of it is a FORCED enrollment in the ArchiPLUS program. So at least the buyer will get the next upgrade (if it happens within a year).

Sorry for venting. I love ArchiCAD. I like the people that work there. I like my reseller. I just think this policy is WRONG. So on my tombstone will hang 2 ArchiCAD 12 keys (can't afford to upgrade any longer with this policy in place).

Visual Frontiers

AC25 :|: AC26 :|: AC27
:|: Enscape3.4:|:TwinMotion

DellXPS 4.7ghz i7:|: 8gb GPU 1070ti / Alienware M18 Laptop
100 REPLIES 100
Not applicable
Tom W. said,among other things: "You're right, they cannot sell the design, just as we can't reverse engineer the source code for Archicad. This is more like saying "It's our design and you bought it, so you can never sell the building." "

Isn't it still more like saying, 'you _licensed_ our design, so you can live in it until your demise, but you cannot pass it on to your heirs without paying an additional fee.' We apparently need to stop using the word "buy" in connection with software since it has the connotation of "to have and to hold," etc. etc., rather than 'temporary right to use,' which is much more akin to "rent."

Naturally this changes the value of the dongle, the status of leasing to purchase, fair market value, (s/w is no longer the same kind of asset as leasing companies once thought it to be, and valued it to be), and so on. Those "having" s/WY whose license does not contain the time-honored provision that the terms of the agreement can be changed unilaterally for reason, or no reason, without notice, should be on fairly good ground. Those who have s/WY licenses saying otherwise likely are in a different position.

A gradual migration away from ArchiCAD, (as was referred to), is simply a gradual migration from the frying pan into the fire. The key factor there, though, may be the frog in the pot of water effect whereby it's gradual enough so that people moan while they nevertheless embrace Revit.
Not applicable
Karl wrote:
"not the private and/or copyrighted words of someone else"
I read the letter and it did not say copyrighted material as far as I can remember.
Anyway if you write me a letter and fail to post a copyright notice it becomes public domain, period.
Back to this important thread.
What a rotten thing not to give notice to loyal customers!
This policy must be modified.
It was probably a German company decision, not a Hungarian decision.
Where's that "hitler" ranting video when you need it.
What company was he suppose to be from again?
lec1212 wrote:
Anyway if you write me a letter and fail to post a copyright notice it becomes public domain, period.
I'm sorry, but you are very much misinformed about this.
Richard Morrison, Architect-Interior Designer
AC26 (since AC6.0), Win10
Not applicable
Hi Richard
Ok, I'll concede that.
The whole thing just pisses me off, so I got carried away.
I haven't been keeping up on AC talk much and was-am shocked to see this development from Graphisoft.

Turns out we thought we bought our '09 Lexus but in fact we had actually signed a lease agreement when we want to sell it we've accrued a fraction of the equity fair market value dictates. It's bait and switch, unethical plain and simple.

It's easy to understand that GS is revenue hunting, we all are being more creative these days. So why not approach this ethically, after such and such a date if you resell your license the transfer fee is X, if you bought it before your transfer fee is Y........at a minimum give notice and gradually increase the fee.

If I were selling, which I've no intention of, I am still smitten with the software, shortcomings and all, I would strongly consider offering to participate in the upgrade process, as a "frontman", for my potential buyer for evermore, in protest if nothing else. There is always a way around this kind of thing, even when you shouldn't have to resort to it and GS had better recognize this and halt this manipulation of it faithful user base. They can still be "had" and the temptation is expediential the face of such outrageous manipulation of good faith.

It's total BULL$HIT Duane and you and all of us have every reason to fried!!
jeff white
w3d design

AC 23 Solo US / current build & library
Windoze 10 Pro 64
HP ZBook 17 G4
Intel Zeon 3.0
Twin 2GB SSD
32 GB memory

I should have gone PPU!

Seems like PayPerUse is more suited to this idea of NOT OWNING ANYTHING. And I'll bet what I paid to get in, upgrades and ArchiPLUS ... I would have spent less money. I am not sure if it's the same now, but you used to not ever have to worry about upgraded with PPU... You were always eligible to have the most recent copy.

Visual Frontiers

AC25 :|: AC26 :|: AC27
:|: Enscape3.4:|:TwinMotion

DellXPS 4.7ghz i7:|: 8gb GPU 1070ti / Alienware M18 Laptop
Erika Epstein
Thanks to your posting about this new policy, I was relieved I hadn't bought that second license. I've thought I would do a PPU instead. Do you know if there are any restrictions on these now?
Architect, Consultant
MacBook Pro Retina, 15-inch Yosemite 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Mac OSX 10.11.1
Onuma System

"Implementing Successful Building Information Modeling"
Not applicable
I cannot believe this is the main policy.
In my region there's no such thing as a license transfer fee.
I started with a second-hand AC 6.5 version a few years ago. No subscription obligation. No registration cost.
I just had to handover a copy of my invoice and the Wibu-key number was set to my name in the reseller's database...
I know of other licenses the same way just weeks ago...

It's about inactive licenses that wont be upgraded again by the initial owner. The new owner (mostly) will... What's the reason for charging resale buyers???!
What's the reason for charging resale buyers???!
revenue, ransom, extortion............you pick the verb
jeff white
w3d design

AC 23 Solo US / current build & library
Windoze 10 Pro 64
HP ZBook 17 G4
Intel Zeon 3.0
Twin 2GB SSD
32 GB memory

Joeri wrote:
I cannot believe this is the main policy.
In my region there's no such thing as a license transfer fee.
I started with a second-hand AC 6.5 version a few years ago. No subscription obligation. No registration cost.
I just had to handover a copy of my invoice and the Wibu-key number was set to my name in the reseller's database...
I know of other licenses the same way just weeks ago...

It's about inactive licenses that wont be upgraded again by the initial owner. The new owner (mostly) will... What's the reason for charging resale buyers???!
Hey, anyone in Belgium need ArchiCAD 12?!!!!

Visual Frontiers

AC25 :|: AC26 :|: AC27
:|: Enscape3.4:|:TwinMotion

DellXPS 4.7ghz i7:|: 8gb GPU 1070ti / Alienware M18 Laptop

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