This has me beat - I posted a couple of weeks age about a masterplan taking ages to update modules. I gave up yesterday at work (on a PC) and decided to work at home (on Mac G5)... same problem but now more complex, The base PLN files (there are 6 house types, 30in all, all simple) start out at 1-2mb but with very few changes i.e. shift a wall or adjust a window the file size "grows" always the same 9mb, then 34mb, then 67mb until the PLN stalls - I have never had a crash or stall on the G5. The walls are the problem - they take forever to copy and paste. No doubles.. I checked. I remodelled a House Type (800K) and within 2 minor changes "grew" to 67mb. This is driving me crazy as I was doing more complex work years ago on v.5 on v. modest computers. The only solution as far as I can see is to save out each plan as a DWG and hand the whole lot over to the Autocad side of the office and drive by hand sketches.. this is serious as half the office have recently been on Archicad course and are keen ... this is the first serious problem I've ever had and I have a meeting tomorrow with nothing to show...