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Intel MAC universal ArchiCAD version.

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Does anyone know when we will be getting a Universal Mac version of AC 9 or 10??
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I am considering buying the new I-Mac with the Intel Processor. Does anyone have any experience using ArchiCad 9 with this machine?
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I've been holding off from a new Powerbook for a while now...I think I can finally sell my Tibook on ebay
jdrulon wrote:
I am considering buying the new I-Mac with the Intel Processor. Does anyone have any experience using ArchiCad 9 with this machine?
To David and Thomas and others...

My employer requested I get a laptop for travel. A MacbBook Pro (2.0 Ghz, 7200 RPM Drive, 1 GB) just arrived and I've been doing some testing on it. Yes AC runs, yes it's slower, and yes it seems usable.

Here are some initial observations (my comparison box is a 2xG5 2.0 2GB):

1) Using two fingers on the TrackPad (which allows scrolling) causes the zoom to be very jerky. This seems analogous to the behavior reported elsewhere with MS Word. It does work though if you're careful. A standard optical mouse with scrollwheel works normally.

2) 3d generation and rendering appear similar in speed using the Lightworks engine. Rotating models is very responsive.

3) Regens after zoom or story change are a little slower.

4) Opening files is much much slower (26 seconds Vs 67 seconds). Part of this could be a slower drive in the laptop effecting Library loads.

5) there is a delay in dragging copies.

More later,

Please let me know if you have specific questions.
GS wrote:
January 13, 2006. We are proud to announce that Graphisoft is close to finishing the engineering work of porting ArchiCAD as a native application
That was many weeks ago. I thinks it's time for GS to update its users on where they are with a Universal binary.
Nattering nabob of negativism
2023 MBP M2 Max 32GM. MaxOS-Current
Thomas Holm
Thanks Chazz. Sounds like it's faster than my hardware, regardless of Rosetta. Please report back if you find any no-nos (things that don't work).
AC4.1-AC26SWE; MacOS13.5.1; MP5,1+MBP16,1
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I was at the local Apple Store last week getting my 1st Gen G5 Imac repaired and asked the genious about pro software on the Mactels...

He told me I was welcome to make an appointment and install archicad on one of their demo machines and test it out as much as I want.....

I have not done this yet, but plan to.. It seems if a bunch of us do this we would get a pretty good idea of how it works....
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Considering that Apple released there Intel Mac about 6 months sooner then they originally said they were there are a lot of developers that were left in the dark and are feverishly trying to speed up there Mactel time tables. ArchiCAD 9 will never be a universal binary. My quess is that ArchiCAD 10 will be universal but it may not be on the initial release but soon after.

But from what i can understand ArchiCAD 9 should run at speeds comparable to a G4 @ 1.25mhz under rosetta.
We're picking up our first Mac Book tonight. I'll let you know after we test it out.
Tom Waltz
I took my MacBook Pro on a two day biz trip last week and had a chance to bang on AC a little more on it.

I take back what I said about 3d generation. Compared with my desktop rig (see above) the MBP is definitely slower to generate a 3D view but once there seems about as fast to navigate within that view.

The most noticeable thing I now experience is that switching between applications when AC and PM are in the mix is slower. That is to say, when using Command-Tab to toggle between open apps (something I do 100X day) it takes a lot longer to bring AC or PM to the fore. Other apps snap right up but the GS apps are in a separate class. Much slower.

The only other thing I wanted to add is not about AC but about the MBP itself. Can I just say, this thing ROCKS. I've owned a few Apple laptops (years ago) and never really thought much of them or even laptops in general (slow, lousy battery, poor graphics, busted hinges, etc) but this thing is the most finely crafted little jewel I've ever used. It's a marvel and, no, I don't miss the modem (WiFi is everywhere I go) or even the Firewire 800 (I sync over Gigabit ethernet).

A friend showed me the HP Pavilion she bought last year. The two machines side by side look like they were designed in different decades. The HP is a pice of junk by comparison. God, the power brick is about the size of a real brick. It cost more, weighs more, is much bulkier and does not have anything like the fit and finish. Is there really any point in the Apple Vs Wintell price debate anymore? The MBP is superb machine.

BTW if you do get one or regularly use a laptop I really recommend ChronoSync by Econ Technologies. It's a fantastic tool to sync up drives or machines. It's only US$30 and it just went universal. A great tool.

And Tom, after you dump all your data on the new MBP, make sure you give Spotlight a chance to index all the data before you really start using the machine. It really slows it down.

I'm flying out tomorrow and will hammer away on it more later this week.
Nattering nabob of negativism
2023 MBP M2 Max 32GM. MaxOS-Current
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Chazz wrote:
BTW if you do get one or regularly use a laptop I really recommend ChronoSync by Econ Technologies. It's a fantastic tool to sync up drives or machines. It's only US$30 and it just went universal. A great tool.
I've been looking for a better sync program and it looks like this could be it. I just bought it. Thanks for the tip.
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So now that we're a couple of days away from XP running perfectly on a Mac without voiding the warranty... has anyone tried to run ArchiCAD 9 under XP on a Mac?