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Irregular walls finish

Victor C Pop

For a couple of years I've had the misfortune of having to work on restoration projects. I know, I know, some people love it, and I probably would too, if it not were for the impossible task of modeling irregular shaped walls in Archicad. God only knows why this just has to be such a hassle. 


So take the attached image for example:


This was initially drawn in Autocad. How does add the finish plaster layer on irregularly shaped walls? It just blows my mind this has to be done with hours of workarounds, or perhaps I'm missing something.

Archicad 26 INT / Ryzen 3900x, 2080Ti, 64GB RAM / M1 MacBook Pro

It's awesome the job you do. From what I got to understand, you are not being able to make compositions for a polygonal walls. Unfortunately, it's not possible to do anything but simple one core wall in the polygonal wall.

But would be great, if we had at least veneer option like for columns and beams! 

what you can do is make 2 walls. using all edges offset option for the finishing! 

I know it's impossible to make composite polygonal walls, I'm asking for options to model the walls in the attached image without unnecessary workarounds. 

Archicad 26 INT / Ryzen 3900x, 2080Ti, 64GB RAM / M1 MacBook Pro

What about openings? There are around 1300 doors in this building. This would mean I'd have to add empty door openings to the actual doors, or close the wall in the doors casing. I'd shoot myself if I had to do that. 

Archicad 26 INT / Ryzen 3900x, 2080Ti, 64GB RAM / M1 MacBook Pro

Then do the following:

- Make a wall core with polygonal tool you are using 

- Copy and paste the same wall on the same location

- Select the one and with offset all edges option do the offset. Do first the external side of the covering skin. Then you can remove core part of the finishing by using magic wand, and taking out core part from the finishing part.


Alternatively you can use fills (also you dwg file) and with magic wand create those separate wall composites. If someone has ideas for dual composite but single wall, for complex shapes, please, let us know.


I will mention but not advice you to create complex profile column. I can't imagine one column acting as a whole building structure. 

In that case, only option you have is to use different walls with different thickness and composition structure. Putting the wall end where is necessary.