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Is it possible to select something to hide it in 3Dwindow?

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Now you have to select - marquee what you want to see in the 3D window.
I want to do the opposite - I want to select the objects I want to hide.

Is it possible to do that? Some hidden command to do that?
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I found this post:

It is from 2006 - some progress since then?

Can you select something to hide in the 3D window?
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There is no option like Revit's "hide elements in view".

To approximate this you can set the Find & Select criteria to what you want to hide. Select everything in the 3D view. Deselect the elements to be hidden by the Find & Select criteria. Then use "Show Selection/Marquee in 3D" to hide the unselected parts.

For just a few parts you can just select all and then shift click to deselect the bits you want to hide.

This ArchiCAD method actually ends up being easier in many cases, as well more powerful, than the Revit approach given the difficulty of making multiple, detailed selections in Revit.
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Thanks for your answer!
I now know it is not possible to select what I want to hide in the 3D view like in Revit and Sketchup. Now it is just a mess having Select All elements trying to deselect some element to hide.

I believe it would be very easy to implement such a possibility. I found it hard to understand why the programmers of Archicad not having implemented it. Perhaps it will show up in the next version?

Perhaps some programmer can tell me why this is impossible in Archicad 16!

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Of course it is impossible in ArchiCAD 16 because it is a shipping product. It is also to late to add to 17 and maybe even 18 if it's not already on the schedule.

It may be quite difficult or trivially easy depending on how GS handles the visibility settings. The question is how important it is. Given the other methods I described I don't see it as very important.
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Thanks again - you trying to solve the problem.
You tell me:
The question is how important it is. Given the other methods I described I don't see it as very important.

Why has both Revit and Sketchup implemented this and not Archicad?
The problem to hide a selection is the same in all 3D programs.

It is so simple to program - now Archicad shows what is selected - just let Archicad show what is not selected!!! It is so simple to program.

Sorry I cannot see the point in not programming it into Archicad.

Perhaps someone of the Archicad programmers has an answer?
Why not make an update to Archicad 16 - letting us select what to hide in the 3D window?
mr gg.
don't "fight" the software. Archicad is a very advanced tool.
I came from an Autodesk background (20 years) and having been introduced to Archicad there is no comparison.

just learn 'other' ways of how to skin this cat and you will be that much more happier....

good luck.
...Bobby Hollywood live from...
Edgewater, FL!
Archicad 22, Archicad 23
Windows7 -OS, MAC Maverick OS
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Thanks for your reply!

To solve the problem it is a matter of one line! in Archicad´s programming code:
as an alternative to the line now bringing us the mess to have to deselect from:

Just one line!

Hopefully there are some Archicad programmer trying to fix the missing line!

Hopefully there are a lot of users demanding this!
So let us demand this simple line in Archicad:
one line.....i know you may feel it's only "one line" but...well.

one line of code multiplied by 500,000 users demanding "one line of code change" as well on 80,000 sub-routines and do the math..you get where I'm going with this right.
...Bobby Hollywood live from...
Edgewater, FL!
Archicad 22, Archicad 23
Windows7 -OS, MAC Maverick OS
Not applicable
Thanks for telling us your background:
"Autodesk background (20 years)"
Autocad is sh-t!
but Revit has got the line:
so let us have this LINE in Archicad also - making the program so much better - avoiding the mess in the 3D Window.

Hopefully most Archicad users want this opportunity tol avoid the 3D mess.
Some Archicad programmer interested?

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Showing curiosity or concern about something or someone; having a feeling of interest: "interested in history".
Having an interest or involvement; not impartial or disinterested.
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