About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

Line weights

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Im trying to print out a plan and im supposed to show line thickness and line weights to show whats closer and farther away, is there any way to show this?
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eag58 wrote:
Im trying to print out a plan and im supposed to show line thickness and line weights to show whats closer and farther away, is there any way to show this?
If you are trying to print out directly from AC your default for showing lines is probably set to "Hair lines" - got to Options/Display Options menu and change line weight appearance from "Hair lines" to "True weight"

In Plotmaker the default should be set to True weight originally so you should not have to worry about it in there. If that is not the case - same procedure as in AC (Options/Display Options and change to "True weight").
Not applicable
Thanks so much Susanne, it worked and you helped 40 other students besides me haha, thanks!
Not applicable
eag58 wrote:
Thanks so much Susanne, it worked and you helped 40 other students besides me haha, thanks!
Your welcome Edgar,

glad to have been of any help