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About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.


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I constructed an organic form(a solid balcony) that clings to an acute angle corner of a two-story wall by drawing the profiles of the form every three inches using the mesh tool. Each 'slice' was drawn as a separate mesh. How can these be combined into a single mesh so it will render as a solid in the 3D window?
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I rebuilt the mesh from scratch today without success. What follows is a hypothetical exercise in building a solid mesh that has been SEO'd. Note the outline of the operator. When I select it to place on a hidden layer, I get a dialog box in Layer Settings telling me that the attributes cannot be saved. Again, when I was setting up the mesh geometry and positioning, there was a default 3' thickness.
Earlier today, I was successful at making a solid mesh, SEOing it, and performed a subtraction with upwards extrusion to trim off walls that ran wild. This mesh was rectilinear, I am wondering if curvilinear meshes pose a problem. Any comments?
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Here is that sample mesh that DID work (just sos you knows that I am on the right track) . After some difficulty with assigning the operator to a hidden mesh, it inexplicably worked, go figure! Still no success with the actual mesh problem though. Help!
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Have checked to see if your mesh has "gone hollow"
by pulling a section line through it ?
Just a thought,
Peter Devlin
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Hmmm. I would never have thought to check for this. But it is solid according to a longitudinal and transverse section. Maybe my layer management methods are incorrect. Here's what I am doing. After SEO'ing, I go to the 3D window(to ensure I am selecting the operator and not the target by mistake) and select the operator. While it is highlighted, I go to Layer Settings and click on New and name this layer and show it. I then select all of the other layers and hide them. Then I click OK. I then go back to Layer Settings and show the other layers and hide the operator layer. A quick check of the 3D window yields the view I posted previously. What am I doing wrong?
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What you are doing is not the way to re-assign an element's layer.
You do not assign a layer for an element in the layer settings dialogue.
To change the layer of an element, select it, open the tool settings
defaults dialogue, find the "Layer" field and change the layer of
the selected element to a previously created layer.
Peter Devlin
there have been known problems with mesh subtraction when the edges of the meshes are co-planar. i seem to recall it being discussed recently too . . .

try this:
in the floor plan window, select the operator mesh. (be sure that it is the operator by looking at its elevation in the info box - it'll be the lower one of the two). then using the polygon-expand tool from the pet palette (see attached), expand your mesh by a nominal amount. try the SEO again.

we'll get there . . .

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
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Here's to ~/archiben & Peter Devlin whose tenacious assistance got me to here. Mahalo!
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a.b.: I'll look into making the edges non-coplanar. P.D: You're so right about assigning a layer through the tool settings box, although the Layer Settings lists the very same layers with the same options of hide or show.
Now to attack the original mis-mesh that started all of this.

just be careful it doesn't take off on its own . . .

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Who says you can't do Origami in ArchiCAD ?!?!?

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