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Missing 2D elements in Door, Again

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I am again having a Display problem. I have a ATI 9600 with the latest Driver.

I was having a similar problem with AC8.1

And now with AC9. The doors shown is the screen shot are all from the AC9 Library.

This behavior appears after working sometime in AC. I have not "pinned-down" what I may be doing to cause this.

On the next message I will post a screen shot of the same doors after saving the file and re-opening. Trim is now appearing again.

2d Door Display.JPG
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Here is the screen shot after re-opening the file. I am not closing the AC apllication.
2d Door Display-2.JPG
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it appears that the two screen shots are possibly two different scales. Note the lack of double lines for the door leaf. Perhaps the file reverts to a 1/4" scale when reopening?
Millard wrote:
it appears that the two screen shots are possibly two different scales. Note the lack of double lines for the door leaf. Perhaps the file reverts to a 1/4" scale when reopening?
as millard says - definitely two different scales: you can see the thickness of the leaf, jamb details, etc... in the smaller(larger?) scale one.

but this is good isn't it? by setting the door options to "Scale Sensitive" we can lose a lot of the garbage that just makes them look like a big black smudge at 1:100, whilst it's as clear as day in the 1:50's and beyond . . . all without us having to worry about it?

jay - i imagine the change happens when you switch different views in the viewsets - where different scales are set with each view? you can alter the scale at which this occurs (should you wish!) by opening the object and finding the line (possibly in the master or parameter script) that refers to the global scale . . .

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
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Yes it seems like a scale issue....but it is not with me. The scale of the drawing is at 1/4" - 1'-0" for BOTH screen shots. Is all that I did was save the File and re-open it. The display options are from a Floor Plan viewset that is alway 1/4" - 1'-0".

Something is getting "lost" in the way the scale sensitive object is viewed at 1/4" - 1'-0". Sometimes it is detailed (always at first when the drawing is opened), then sometime later it is not detailed even though I am still at 1/4" - 1'-0".

I agree that the scale sensitive setting is a good idea, but it seems to work inconsistently. I will most likely re-save all of my Favorites so that the parameter preference is set to "detailed" and not "Scale Sensitive"
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I just opened the project that I have been working on all day and all week to find that all of my doors are showing the simple version of the door and swing in the plan view. The scale is just the same as it was before.

I started to go through the project and change each door's setting from Scale Sensitve to Detailed. After 20 doors I thought, "This is nuts. Didn't I see a setting somewhere that globally controls at what scale doors and windows appear as simple or detailed when Scale Sensitive is the setting for the doors and windows?

Is there such a global setting?

The scale of the drawings has not changed. Why are my doors and windows suddenly show up as simple when they have been showing up as detailed for the last month?

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After reading a few of the posts on this subject I tried the old "quit ArchiCAD and restart". Once I restarted the doors are now showing up the way I want them to. That is with the jambs, trim and door thickness in a 1/4 plan view--even the doors that are still set to Scale Sensitive. Nice to have it back this way.

Next I switched to another story and the problem is back. I shut down again and the problem is gone. All this is a bit of a worry as I have clients coming in tommorrow to look at the project.

I'm thinking that this is a bug. Is the forum monitored for bug reports or should I send a note to GraphiSoft?

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Post Postscript...
Back in September Jay had a similar problem that he reported in the forum.

In reporting the problem Jay wrote, "The only change that I have made to my system in the past weeks is to install the ArchiStair and ArchiTerra Plug-ins."

Hey, guess what? The only thing that I did before having this problem was to update and start using ArchiStair 1.05. I'm writing to Fabrizio at Cigraph to ask him if he thinks that ArchStair could be causing this problem. ArchiStair does have a setting for Scale Sensitivity. That is where I saw the setting that I mentioned in my first post. I'm wondering if this is effecting the Scale Sensitivity of the doors?

BTW I am loving using ArchiStair.

For now I'm working around the problem by switching all of the doors and windows to Detailed.
Fabrizio Diodati
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni
The ArchiStair result, I mean the Stairs, are simple library parts.
When you use the scale sensitivity issue you are simple handling a parameter value... nothing else!

So, I really cannot believe that simple library parts can have any influence on other library parts... which, BTW, are of different type!

Fabrizio Diodati
Graphisoft Italy Srl | Via Rossignago 2/A Spinea Venezia 30038 Italy
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HI John,
Thanks (I guess..) for reporting the same problem. I can not believe that this is not more widespread. Maybe most are not using the Scale Sensitive Parameter. BTW, it happens with doors too. That was were I first saw it happening back in AC8.1, now in AC 9 it happens too.

I hope someone at GS HQ can shed some light........