I took some ArchiCAD 9 drawing files home from my office computer and opened them up in my ArchiCAD 9 program in my home computer. When I did I was prompted with the library manger.It asked to load library parts. So I selected ArchiCAD 9 Library parts folder and then Library part file and then hit add and then done. The program will load most of the missing parts except for a few different style windows, like emergency escape window, direct glaze window??? How to I make these parts reappear. A dot represents where they should be in the drawing but their is no window shown in the drawing. I am able to select this dot and the tool info box opens for that type of window, but how do I get it to reappear in drawing? Please advise. Also, my translator I used and set up at the office is not present in my home program is this a file I must copy and put into my graphisoft file in my home computer? Please advise.