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Multi - Building plots. Create differenct building in the same site.

Hello everyone, 
I am not a new Archicad user, yet not old and i wanted to make a question about the strategy i should use, in order to make the architectural plans (both 2d and 3d) of a multi building project in the same land. There will be 4 buildings in the same plot, each building will have its own ground floor level. For example Building A's Ground Floor will be at +43m height from sea, Building B will be at +44,3m height from sea, Building C will be again 43,5m from sea etc. What is the strategy i should use to build this project? In my opinion the possible ways i could work are the following
a) Create a separete pln file for every Building and one pln file for the plot and environment and then hotlink the Buldings into the plot's file.
b) Create everything in the same pln with different storys. For example: Unit A Basement, Unit A Ground Floor, Unit A Second Floor.. then Unit B Basement, Unit B Ground Floor etc.
My conserns with every option: 
Option a) Every time i make a new pln from the previous files template, i will need to create in the new file possible new materials or components i will need to use in every file, and then i will need to go back in the other files to import them. This is not gonna happen in option b because in case i realise i need one more material or layer or whatever i will have it for all the buildings inside my pln. Another big disadvantage is that i will need to create the plot's land in every file and the manage to hide it through layers in the Main plot's file, in order to have the environment control in every Building..
Option b) I consern i will lose controll of the  project will all these different stories, and some stories will be conflict with other probably.. ( Units B Ground Floor may-be very close or same absolute level as Units A Basement for example..) 
Attached image of an example of what i need to do.
Thank you, 

4 Unit Plot.jpg

Hi, nice project you have here! The project seems to be quite integrated volumetrically speaking.

If the buildings were more detached or more clearly diferentiated i would defintely suggest going the hotlink way. But same as Karl, i not sure here.


Question: do you need to present each part of the complex as a separate building? i ask it because the floor level diferences you mention is actually not that much, and levels seems to align more or less well (but yeah, what would be the ground floor of the taller wing would actually 1st floor relative to the lower parts).


So, If you dont need to present diferent parts of the complex as diferent buildings, i would try doing it as a single file woking with some main levels (but not a floor level for each different slab). And maybe only the detached semi buried building as a hotlink.


And now we are at it, Graphisoft, please, let us, the people, manage attributes in a centralized way!


Thank you very much for the feedback,

the jpg image i uploaded at the main post was an example close to what i was thinking and not exactly what i am going to do (answering the connected buildings you mentioned, the buildings will not be connected). The solution will looks like the image i attach on this reply. So to clarify what i am thinking to do at the moment (which im not considering 100% as the best solution) is that: i'll start and finish one of the four buildings ( 1 of 4 ) with a well organized template. Then i am going to create a PLN with only the plot and its mesh, and some 2d information i need (building lines, points etc.) after that i am going to import the 1st building's pln into my main plots pln, then create a separate pln for every other building etc. My problem is that, i would like somehow to see the main plot in every building's separate pln (and not only the other way around) in order to adjust the building according to plot's heigh in every position. Is this possible or should i create the plot in every pln or even create a new module of the plot, import it in every building's pnl and after that manage to hide it in the MAIN Plot's pln fine, which will be my master plan? My main goal on this project is to create architectural plan's in every building separately and after that, to go in the main PLN and export a master plan and some general sections.


Barry Kelly

I am not a hotlink master, but my understanding is this.

Create your 4 buildings in separate PLN.

Create the site in another.

You hotlink the buildings into your site PLN.

You can also hotlink your site back to the 4 building files, but you have an option to ignore nested hotlinks.

That way you do not link the buildings back to each other - you are effectively just linking the site back.


I hope that is correct.




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