My walls continue through doors and windows. Is that A bug a priority issue, a setting issue ?
Let me know if It can be resolved, purged, or if I need to redownload archicad.
yesterday - last edited yesterday
It is hard to know what we are looking at from the plan view shown. Doors and Windows are "hosted" by a wall. If you stack two walls on top of one another, they only cut a hole through the host wall... not any other walls that they might overlap with. From your screenshot, I have to assume that another wall is on top of the host wall in your case. It cannot be a Model View Option (which can turn door/window openings off) because if doors/windows are turned off there... you would not see the swings/sash as shown.
What do you see in 3D?
PS Re-downloading Archicad is never a solution for something like this not appearing correctly. It either works or it doesn't.
41m ago
Check the height of your Floor Plan Cutting Plane.
Also check the Floor Plan Display settings for the walls and doors.
I find it easier to work with them set to 'Symbolic', so I know what I will see, and then if I need to I can set to 'Projected', 'Overhead' , etc.