I am familiar with the concept, however trying to get the best of it and I need some help
The case is a multistory residential with typical units of several types, everyone with an unique ID Master HLM.
My standards workflow is like Matthew said (https://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=39835&sid=aa4241522a94097f000043b6f60df229...)
Now I have to create one layout per unit of HLM inserted and this is 166 layout, keep in mind that a lot of them have different orientation and level.
¿Its possible automatize this procedure? Or Manual is the only way.
Maybe like door/windows schedule this is possible ¿no?
Archicad 25 SPA v6000
i9 9900K/32 Gb DDR4/1TB SSD/10GBPS Lan/Windows 10 PRO