About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

Non correspondence between AC10 different language versions

I'm using AC10 international version, but as I was willing to enter the "lists and schedules world", I installed the portuguese version just to have an empty file so that I could compare the attributes from international and portuguese version. What I was looking for was specially the materials and fills names in order to generate better portuguese lists. I thought that everything would be just the same, but with translated names. But that's not what happens:
Layers - the english version has more layers, and they're not correspondent. For instance Layer 5 wich in english is for Site & Landscape - General, in portuguese is Invólucro - Cobertura ( wich means Shell - Roof, Layer number 4 in english)
Layer combination - The translations are ok, but I didn't check the selections concerning the combinations...
Pen tables - The descriptions of pens seem to be ok, but the tables itselves have nothing to do: the colors are different, the order of the pen tables and the portuguese version has less tables.
Line types - with few exceptions they're not correspondent
Fill types, composite walls, profiles, materials, zone category - YES! Finally!!! The index numbers correspond on each version to the translated names!
Cities - can anyone tell my what's the use of moving Lisbon from city #60 to #1??? Just to be the default??

You must be wondering why this crazy girl is talking about it!? Why would someone try to translate a file? Why doesn't she use her own language software and shut up? I use the international version and I'm ok with it. I'm just talking about it because I think it's important all the versions to "talk" with each other. Imagine two offices that work with different versions of AC, one in portuguese and one international. What would happen if they tried to work together for a contest? Ok, they could set all new layers, fills, materials etc... But if we're living each time more in an international world, I think those subjects matter. And I even didn't mention the library parts...

Maybe this subject should go to one of the wish forum categories, but I couldn't figure out wich!
Patricia Leão

AC21 INT Full
Not applicable
I've worked some years ago in an office in Luxembourg. There were some german speaking persons working with the german version of ArchiCAD, and some french speaking persons working with the french version. It was a really mess. (But on the other hand: in the plans, there was some text written in french, and in the same plan, there was some text in german. In Luxembourg, you became very flexible in languages...)

For Switzerland, i know there were some very unique standards for layers, fills, zones, measures etc. from the SIA (swiss organization of architects). I think, this is the reason wy the versions are different in each country
I was just wondering what are the index numbers for....
Patricia Leão

AC21 INT Full
Somebody has to be the prime mover?? No?

What happens when you open a foreign language/version file?
I know what happens when I open one - can't ever get rid of Kunststoff Schwarz.
My point is that the guy who gets there first is the guy who sets the standards for the job.... or not?

I rarely export an Archicad file, so I'm just curious about international collaboration problems....
Dwight Atkinson