"Opposite edge list direction in pgon 1." error
This 3d error popped up and I've been trying to chase it down
with no success so far.
I've done the obligatory isolation thing by dividing up the building alternating with
the thin and thick marquee and got it down to a small area,(or so I had thought) and it seems to
be a isolated in a small section of stacked stories, however when I use the thin marquee on
that area (with each individual story) I don't get the error, but with both stories
(thick marquee) error I do.
And in error area, there are not "objects", Just walls and slabs (or so it seems).
When I say to "continue" 3d generates full view as would expect.
I'm stumped.
Of course I can turn off the error reporting in the WE , but it would be nice like to know
what the heck might be going on.