Hi Folks,
Could anyone please help me with the following.
I have a roof element on the fourth story that has a 25% cover fill with a solid outline. The floor plan display is set to 'outline only' and the show on stories setting is set to 'home story (4th) and one floor down'.
Unfortunately, on the third floor the cover fill comes through but the roof outline comes through as a dashed / dotted line instead of a solid line. See the attached JPEG which clearly shows the overhead linetype set to a solid line.
I have snooped around including checking the model view settings but cannot seem to resolve this. Any ideas anyone?
Paul Griggs BSc (Hons) MCIAT MCIOB
Chartered Architectural Technologist
AC23, i5 3570K Processor, 16gb RAM, NVidia 570GTX Graphics Card, 250gb SSD Drive