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Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.

About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

Pictures of ArchiCAD 10 from Russia?

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I find this one:

Betatest in Russia?
This is great! Looks like there is feedback on screen while drafting. The floor levels in elevation remind me of Revit. One can clearly see the plotmaker or layout icon on the navigator. Can anyone translate the discussion?

archicad 26.0 US, M2 Macbook Air
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Wow, Im super excited now.

That looks great!!!
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While looking around the net for info pertaining to AC10 I actually saw a link to a pirated AC10 beta... Didn't click it out of principal (among other reasons.. like.. not wanting the FBI to become my new "friends") I'm assuming, Since I can't read russian, that that's where these screens came from.
In reference to AC10 though, the "Complex profiles" tool I keep hearing about seems very exciting, and would solve 50% of my complaints about ArchiCAD, and answer the second question I ever asked here.

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I think, waht I have found (from Google, if "archiCAD 10" tipped) looks not legal....
Betatest illegal....Is it possible?

I sugest, show us (legal user) archi CAD10!
and give us information about release time
It will help us very much.
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Hi everyone! I can read russian
But I was a little bit surprised of your wonderings... Some weeks ago there was a link (actually I don' remember the original place I've got it) to Graphisoft beta-test page. It seems that now this page is blocked... Anyway there was New Feature List and even Feature Overview in pdf there!
Try it maybe it will work

P.S. nothing interesting in that russian discussion... "wow", "ooh" and so on
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I am looking forward to looking the official topic from graphisoft.
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hi i from Russsia
i use archicad 10 one months is coool all work and save
beacose i have legal key for archicad 10 beta 3
but all plugins not work
archicad more than autocad
my icq 178224998
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Russia not betatester beacose archicad have very highter cost
3500$ only big firm have 1 archicad in 100 people/ is no good
all russian user archicad learning english, i use english language too
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Between the 2 sneek previews of AC 10 (Spanish & Russian), it looks like it maybe addressing some fundamental issues of the past. I'm looking forward to it. Some of the things that I see are:

Plan ht. cut for walls
Angled and tapered walls
Profile management
Plotmaker integration
Simplified layer management
Merge different walls into single walls
Add footings and trim to walls
Locking elements of some sort
Element Schdule schemes
Walls showing across stories or at plan cut ht.
Elements above plan cut can be dashed

I don't know than what I could glean but again am looking forward to 10!