Is there any way to get any near to this dome for the costumers in builded reality?
I think not.
normally its hovering >20m above their heads.
So - in my opinion, there is no need to construct every single form in 3D.
I just would make a simple rounded dome-form and then texturize it with the right settings to get it look good from ground-level. Saves much worktime, much Processor-Power...
We Architects like to fly in our 3D -models like we all would have wings to get near to this forms above, but in reality, nobody can fly - maybe with drones but normally, its forbidden to fly with drones in buildings...
So - there is - for me - no need for such complexity.
Keep it as simple as needed.
AC5.5-AC27EduAut, PC-Win10, MacbookAirM1, MacbookM1Max, Win-I7+Nvidia