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Problems with Wall trimming

I am having problems trimming a wall to a roof. The wall is a complex profile, shows up fine on the floor plan, but when I trim it to the roof, in 3D it disappears. The windows are still there, but the wall is gone. Shows up fine in plan view, but not 3D.
Not applicable
Please show us an image of the 3D window before the roof trim
and after the roof trim.
I have never seen windows without a host wall.
Could you also tell us your version number and platform.
Thank you,
Peter Devlin
Not applicable
Are there two separate roofs at different levels and its trimming to the wrong one? If so select the appropriate roof and the wall before doing the Trim operation.

Alternatively, use Solid Element Operation with roof as operator and wall as target (more common since AC9, maybe even 8 ? ) as it gets updated automatically if the operator moves, whereas Trim to Roof does not.
Archicad 11, Mac platform. I'm not sure how to capture a picture, I'm new to Mac and have been using Archicad only a few months. There are 2 roofs coming together at the ridge, and the wall on either side of the wall section in question (there are 3 sections to this wall - it's a timber home) have no problem trimming to the roof. It's just that when the trim to roof command is executed, the center section (where the roofs come together) disappears in 3D, but the windows are still there.
Not applicable
mukster wrote:
Archicad 11, Mac platform. I'm not sure how to capture a picture, I'm new to Mac and have been using Archicad only a few months.
New to Mac too, Apple+Shift+4 and use the cursor to select the area you want captured.
okay - Picture 1 = before
picture 2 = After

Also, it's taking a VERY long time to perform the trim function
Picture 2 = after
There are many Keyboard Functions in Mac.

New users should review:

System Preferences> Keyboard and Mouse>Keyboard Shortcuts
Dwight Atkinson
Not applicable
I see Picture 1 but I do not see Picture 2.
Does anyone see Picture 2 ?
Peter Devlin
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
I've seen this happen and coincidentally it was with logs walls also. However it wasn't the log walls that were the issue, it was because the architect had used the wall as an operator and a target, so it was cancelling itself out. Are you using Solid Element Operations to trim your wall?

If so, I would use the Maintain Operations panel of that dialog to cancel the operators and targets, then be careful when re-trimming. Make sure only the wall is selected as a target and the two roofs are only selected as operators bfore doing your Subtraction with Upwards Extrusion.
