3 weeks ago
I'm trying to trim a staircase with wall or to create them from first place with a different shape.
doe's anyone have experience with that?
eventually the stairs shape interrupt to the new Asphalt deck design.
Operating system used: Windows
3 weeks ago - last edited 3 weeks ago
You can edit the stairs (add edit points etc) either in 2D (via the green line, not the blue origin line) or in 3D with Edit Stairs - similar to the workflow with curtain walls.
maybe this thread may help: https://community.graphisoft.com/t5/Modeling/skewed-staircase/m-p/645727#M174735
3 weeks ago - last edited 3 weeks ago
Hi Cosmin
you're right, I can change the stairs but not the structure under it. should they shape together? becuse for me it doesn't work this way.
3 weeks ago
What do you mean by structure? Also what version of Archicad are you using?
3 weeks ago
i uploaded a picture
i'm using archicad 28 on windows
3 weeks ago
After some trial and error I could either
a) edit the thread only on one type of stair
b) edit the structure point by point, by hiding the thread and riser in edit mode.
For the 2nd stair, I have these control points:
with this plan view
3 weeks ago
yesss! you're right. i couldn't figure how to access the green line. but found it eventually. thanks!