First of all, thank you archiben for your calming words.
I think we both got out of hand.
The more serious matter is this:
Remember this my new acquaintances,
Even though you might be a senior member or close to it,
It is the young and new who will drive the market forces towards
or away from Graphisoft.
For those who are first, may latter be last.
This program is extremely complex and getting more so every issue.
If the most senior members are rough and “gang” up on new members,
if they say something redundant or “stupid”, long term these new members
“less than brilliant” comments do not matter.
As I have seen silently before I joined, you do no justice to the
long term viability of Graphisoft with mean spirited “ganging” up
that can lower this site to the bowels of uselessness.
What does that show to those who need the forum most?
That “gangs” roam these alleys?
That your collective “gang” fever outweighs the usefulness you purport
to espouse.
One last observation:
Who dare challenge the senior member “gang” gorillas?
Who dare challenge the these authority “gangs” when you need the
Not the lonely newbie, not the beginners, not the intermediates. For they
to need the help of senior members.
So your supposed majority is false.
You do not see a true balance of opinions this way.
Logan Cartwright
Santa Cruz, Ca.