atelier wrote:
AC 10 tells me that Microsoft Word (which I have on my computer) will spell check the drawings. Wonderful !..However, on my MAC OS X, I get the dialogue box that says that AC can not find Word...Now just how can I help it find what appears so obvious to me but is hidden to it ?
from the help files, the emphasis is mine:
"Warning: Spell Checker relies on Microsoft technology. ArchiCAD can only locate Word’s Spell Checker if its pointer is correctly written in the Windows Registry. If you have properly installed Microsoft Office, Spell Checker will work without any problem.
If you have manually modified the location of Microsoft Word, ArchiCAD will not be able to use its spell checking features. Moreover, the Spelling commands must be installed with Word."
on a mac, microsoft word and its associated files should be in /Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/... (or '... Office 2000' if that's the version you have).
and something that quite honestly amazes me, again from the help files:
"Spell Checker is not available for text-type windows."
that being said, using the word spell checker is a total cop out on graphisoft's part - mac OSX has extensive build-in, system wide spelling services that every 10¢ shareware application seems to be able to make use of . . . yet graphisoft somehow can't seem to find it. it's a bloody disaster.
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