Erich wrote:
ArchiCAD does not work like Autocad, you need to forget some of the Autocad methods for better or worse. You have figured out the methodology however, the longer portion of the line, wall, etc. is the portion that remains. If you want the shorter side to remain, you will need to trim off the offending side rather than intersect.
Thanks. I readily accept that Archicad isn't Autocad (or Autocad Architecture) and don't expect that it will do things the same way anymore than I expect Sketchup does, I was using the Autocad approach as a shorthand and for comparitive reasons.
Difficulty with learning software is that to quote Rummie, there are "known knowns, known unknowns and unknown unknowns": I might know how to do something one way, but not another more efficient way; just because something isn't in the help doesn't mean that it can't be done , I just might not have entered the correct search term to find it; then again, because something is not in the help might actually mean that there is no other way to do it?
And then as I found with learning Autocad, there may be a way to do something that you never even thought of: I only found out about the Fillet>radius command 6 months into using it and until then had been offsetting lines, drawing circles and trimming: tedious!
Unless you've gained enough experience with a particular package and therefore know what to expect (or not), thinking about how another similar package does it is probably not going to be too far off the mark, if nothing else it provides a grammar and vocabulary within which a meaningful discussion can take place...