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Selection Tool - Toggle Options?

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Is there a way to toggle the arrow selection tool between the two selection methods (all objects inside box or all objects inside or crossing box) without have to go to the toolbox and making the change (i.e. keyboard shortcut or right mouse button selection)? I find that it quite frustrating to have to do this. Also is there a way to toggle between the arrow tool or marquis tool and other tools? Thanks in advance for any help.
David Rulon
Dell Athalon xp1500 533mb ram
Windows 2000
the single-key shortcuts 'C' and 'G' toggle between the 'construction' and 'geometry' methods for most of the tools, but i can't recall if they work for the selection arrow as well - i know that it doesn't work as it should for the marquee tool . . .

hoping . . .
b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
the single-key shortcuts 'C' and 'G' toggle between the 'construction' and 'geometry' methods for most of the tools, but i can't recall if they work for the selection arrow as well - i know that it doesn't work as it should for the marquee tool . . .
Gidday mate - I don't think Arrow or Marquee tools have Construction methods, strictly speaking. Hovering your mouse over the buttons and reading the help tag (rather abruptly) verifies this. What they do have are 'Selection' methods'! There is no 'Switch Selection Method' command available in the keyboard shortcut list. They do have Geometry methods though and G does cycle through 'em.

Back to the hammock mate. Sip a couple of Mai Tai's, watch the sun set, and mull it over.

Link #2.
Dave Jochum
jdrulon wrote:
...Also is there a way to toggle between the arrow tool or marquis tool and other tools?
You can assign a shortcut. Got to WORK ENVIRONMENT/SHORTCUT SCHEMES/KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS. Choose ARROW TOOL/LAST TOOL TOGGLE in the command list. I've assigned the key to the left of the 1 key--the backwards apostrophe, whatever it's called. I've also assigned it to a button on my trackball and use it constantly.
Dave Jochum
J o c h u m A R C H I T E C T S http://www.jochumarchitects.com
MBP 16" (M1 Max) 64 GB•OS 15.3•AC 28 Silicon (latest build)
Not applicable
Also is there a way to toggle between the arrow tool or marquis tool and other tools
I use the quick keys to get to the tools: 1 - arrow tool, 2 - marquis. You can of course assign whatever you like. I sure enjoy single key quick keys
Me too on both the number keys (I use 0 for selection, . for marquee, 1 for wall, etc. so all the most used tools are right there in the numeric keypad), and mouse buttons. Having a mouse button for the Arrow-Last toggle has been awesome. I also have a mouse button mapped to set the user origin, another great one.

I definitely want to weigh in in favor of enabling the c key (or whatever you choose) with the Arrow and Marquee tools. I mean why not?
Geoff Briggs
I & I Design, Seattle, USA
AC7-28, M1 Mac, OS 15.x
Graphisoft Insider's Panel, Beta Tester
kevin b
Arrow or Marquee tools have Construction methods, strictly speaking. Hovering your mouse over the buttons and reading the help tag (rather abruptly) verifies this. What they do have are 'Selection' methods'! There is no 'Switch Selection Method' command available in the keyboard shortcut list. They do have Geometry methods though and G does cycle through 'em.

While I love the ability to switch between selection methods (all in or crossing) it would be so much nicer to switch with a shortcut. I find myself switching quite often and is one of my biggest pet peeves at the moment due to its frequency. Since there is no "construction method" per se in the arrow tool, it seems to me that the logical choice is that the selection method toggle when hitting "c" or whatever you've reassigned it to. or at least give us the ability to assign it as we like, not even having it as an option in the shortcuts section of the WE is very strange considering everything else that is found there.
kevin s burns, AIA

massachusetts, usa

AC25 (1413), since AC6

Windows 10

Intel Core i7 -8700 @ 3.2 GHz~ 16 GB ram
Not applicable
This was discussed here:


There's a wish list item on this.
