How do you guys key in Surveyors’ ordinances? Well you know they take their bearings due north and zero deg. in AC is by default horizontal. The way I do it is to draw the lengths vertically and then rotate the line by its corresponding bearing. This I find rather laborious and presume there must be some shorter way….probably revolving around the skewed grid and grid switch buttons?! all I want is to punch in the length and angle and get it right in one fell sweep.
Any ideas someone?
Rip wrote: OK, but how do you draw a line at, say, 30˚ from the previuos line?
In general:
1. Start the line at the beginning of the first one
2. With the cursor on the existing line (Mercedes) type R and input lenght needed, then type A30+ and press enter.
What you get is a line of wanted lenght at an angle 30 degrees more than the first one.