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Ubuntu supporter

Not applicable
well.... Due to the growing popularity of Archi-cad.. I believe that this industry should abandon the microsoft Windows software and develop their energies on the Ubuntu/linux

Ubuntu is user friendly than Microsoft Windows and really easy to work with..
no spam... no computer viruses

due to the ever growing computer viruses... and spam ..... Down with windows

Ivan in San Francisco
que viva la mission!!
Not applicable
I hope GS is going to listen some day
and it will be great especialy for big companies as they wont need any more window$ upgrades for nothing
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
I fully agree that linux is a so-much better OS than windows, but to abandon Windows entirely would be commercial suicide. Also, I really can't imagine many benefits to Graphisoft that would result from them supporting Linux. They would probably get a few more sales, but the Tech Support would be nightmarish. Imagine the current problem with the latest Quicktime update, but magnified over 10 or more different dependent packages!
Josh Osborne - Central Innovation

HP Zbook Studio G4 - Windows 10 Pro, Intel i7 7820HQ, 32Gb RAM, Quadro M1200
Not applicable
FACT: We as a society under stand that corporations are here to make money......

You are correct to say that to abandon Windows is commercial suicide.... And it is only natural for graphisoft to implement open source software.. Why not???
I like graphsoft due to their strategy to implement other commercial software such as AutoCAD’s (. dwg, and .ifc) formats......

"In getting a few Sales for Ubuntu”????????? Ubuntu is free to the public
In response to Tech support for Ubuntu...HEY the nice people of UBUNTU will answer any question and you will get a response the next day.... there is thing called the Open Source Community. Open source Community is just that a community. the quality of free technical support on the internet may come as a shock. Sometimes knowing enough to ask the right questions can be a problem, but overall the best and the brightest are there to assist you at no charge when you run into problems that can't be solved by reading the documentation included with Linux. With Windows or other commercial software, your manufacturer support is only free for a limited time and is often of little value anyway.....

In response to ........I really can't imagine many benefits to Graphisoft that would result from them supporting Linux.
Well... due to all of these worms and CPU viruses pop ups ahh the updates! Well... I can't imagine many benefits to Graphisoft that would result from supporting Windows.....

Ivan in San Francisco
P.s don't get me started with Apple Macs…

I really love Macs until the MAC yuppies invaded my home town .a former Macintosh User
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
What i meant was that Graphisoft might get more sales due to open-source fanboys and the like buying Archicad. But it would also mean that Graphisoft would have all the tech-support hassles. I know that the Open-source community(particularly the Ubuntu community) is very helpful, but for commercial clients, a day or so turn-around time for support, and reying on other users is not really a good enough solution.
Also, Graphisoft don't really have a concern with viruses and the like, as they would only indirectly affect Archicad.
Josh Osborne - Central Innovation

HP Zbook Studio G4 - Windows 10 Pro, Intel i7 7820HQ, 32Gb RAM, Quadro M1200
Not applicable
Like any other business... Businesses have ahh tech support to respond to our questions. Graphisoft could handle it differently. if its productive/money making for them.
I just believe that the Windows operating system is not at all that great....

I enjoy this Graphisoft forum... this form was inspired by the open source community idea... Well actually, Graphisoft basically copied the Linux open source community...idea..

It is true that this Graphisoft forum and its users rely on other users to get as much feedback as possible on their problems, suggestions, or input on their products. Many in the industry might think this idea as counter productive but I think it enhances the product for the consumer. After all i live in a consumer world, I should have a say about the products …… back on the topic, in addition,the user and the other users establish networks and pockets of communities in helping themselves to answer their questions. It might not be as efficient in the commercial world but hopefully it will get there.

As for commercial clients using windows for tech support.. and waiting for a response from a poor Indian brother getting exploited in this globalized world... I’d prefer to ask open source community any time of day

I have windows, if my windows operating system is affected.. it effects my computer.. it effects my Archicad.....

forever ubuntu!
and an open source fan boy

Ivan in San Francisco

P.S ( my World citizen opinion )And for those who believe in the European and American economic model in dealing business on the backs of others, I say down with you.. with your windows and your Macs
IVN wrote:

P.S ( my World citizen opinion )And for those who believe in the European and American economic model in dealing business on the backs of others, I say down with you.. with your windows and your Macs
........this is as regards your signature. Not to be pedantic or anything, but "Ubuntu" is not an African word.

Quite simply because "African" is not a language; it's not even an ethnic group. It refers to a continent and essentially and unfortunately is nowadays a misnomer for lazily categorizing for a whole race (or races) of people on the basis of their mistakenly presumed common physical appearance (not all 'Africans' are black) and ethnic traits.

It may seem like a small thing to quibble about until you consider the fact that hundreds of millions of those same Africans don't particularly like being lumped together as one homogenous group when the reality is that they're not.

It would be like saying 'muchacho' is a "European" word. Or that 'sayonara' is an "Asian" way of saying goodbye.

I'm sure it sounds exotic enough, and that its exoticism adds to that desired sense of esoterism. But you would do the word as well as the language it came from ( not to mention the people who actually speak it) much more justice and respect if you were more accurate and specific regarding its origin rather than perpetuating silly misconceived generalizations.

just something to think about.....
Not applicable
“This is as regards your signature. Not to be pedantic or anything, but "Ubuntu" is not an "African" word.”

Yes I’ll do the justice and respect… Thanks I’ll inform the public on it. I’ll change it..... On my signature. The word has its origins in the Bantu languages.. Yes it’s a word…..

I’m not qualified to discuss about etymology, I do have friends who have studied the subject….....
Everything you said......."" about Africans don't particularly like being lumped together as one homogenous group when the reality is that they're not. ""
I Agree with your statement…..Ubuntu… a Zulu word literally meaning “humanness” an ideology focusing on people's allegiances and relations with each other.
That 's all I can tell the public right now and other Linux users will do the same….

i'm just a student,designer......I'am just here to discuss the Windows operating system not Race or Etymology…...which I am not qualified to so. Western Economic models maybe yes.....

your say is much appreciated.....
Yes I'll do justice and respect about misconceived generalizations…thanks for the input…

Que viva la mission
p.s down with windows !!! :
Glad to hear Ubuntu is not an "African" word.

I was certain that when i saw "Ubuntu Supporter" as a posting that there would be trouble with Archicad Talk members who support Arsenal.
Dwight Atkinson