Have set the renovation tool over and over in every place I can fond it, set the project preferences, and every place I can find it in the program, you do realize how the tool wants to reset itself and it affects EVERY TOOL, LINE, etc one might use in a project AND because OF this is slowing my work down because sometimes when working fast I forget to tell the @$&king renovation tool to be existing.
I do not understand adding a setting to every single tool that requires attention and slows the work, then calling it an Upgrade.??
The window schedule I built kept changing and leaving off new windows even though I had set it, had to spend two houses troubleshooting to future out the problem, upgrade/waste of time I control my output with layers/layer sets
Sam wrote:
Did you change the door tool selection under Door Selection Setting > Tags and Categories > Renovations . An option is there for Existing / to be demolished / New. I hope this works