2006-06-01 03:01 PM
2006-06-01 03:10 PM
Richard wrote:Why not link directly to the other PLN?
I am wondering if anyone is maintaining details differently in AC10. I have most details stored in a single PLN file at the moment, but since the elimination of PMKs, have not found a very quick way to search, retrieve, and import details. So far, having two PLN sessions open at once and cutting and pasting from one to the other seems to be the best I've come up with. Any suggestions?
2006-06-01 03:28 PM
TomWaltz wrote:1) Haven't found a good way to preview the view before dragging it into another PLN's layout with the Organizer. (I may be missing something obvious here.)
Why not link directly to the other PLN?
2006-06-01 03:41 PM
Richard wrote:You're right. There is no preview.
1) Haven't found a good way to preview the view before dragging it into another PLN's layout with the Organizer. (I may be missing something obvious here.)
2) For 10-15 details at a time, it's been really slow.Did you try it with the other PLN open in a second session? I found them to run MUCH faster that way.
2006-06-13 05:37 PM
2006-07-03 09:56 PM
2006-07-04 12:48 AM