About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

different white pens for different sets

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I was wondering if you have any comments about the way I've set up my files here (image)
I have two different "white" pens (pens are set in PM) ,one that is always white (for furniture, appliances, etc..) and one that is white or black depending on the PM file (partition walls, cavity walls) (white in the design / construction drawings and black in the marketing drawings)

The issue here is that if I use the display options / Cut Fills / no fills, than my structural walls will show up empty also in that view set. Do you see any potential issues with using such a system?

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No issues at all (I assume you mean problems). This is a good example of one of the many uses of pen sets in PM.
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I don't think it would pose any problems, and on a side note; that looks like a very cool design for a flat (the bit you can see anyhow)

As long as you are consistant, this is pretty easy to do.

You do need to make sure that "Uniform Pen Settings" is turned off so each view can have its own Plotmaker Pen Settings.

What a lot of people do is place PMKs or Views off to the side of the Title Block in Master, each one with a different pen setting applied to it. Then you can match/inject the pen settings into your views as you place them.
Tom Waltz
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Thanks for the reassurances everyone.