Djordje wrote:
As far as I know 11 RUS is not out yet.
Your build is correct for the final International version. Officially, you still cannot get Archicad 11 everywhere ...
OK I understand but I didn't know about that cause i don't watch for it... Earler i try to explain that... I have some reason to think different.
I download ac11 from
I think it is offisial place for free Archicad downloads.
If you said that it was misstake and i should remove it i do that (no problem in this also from software archiv...) It is not so important.
Bogman wrote:
Dodgy copy of XP + dodgy copy of ArchiCAD
Think about it
I allready do that...
I see that discussion is going wrong way. but no matter. it is more important to GS imho.
- copy of XP
I use only kernel from MS for what should I pay? I replace large count of windows components with GNU or free ones.
one more thought (it is more philosophic question). It from gang
philosophy (dict said that it is - pilferage, So I use it)
1. If somebody(BG vs MS for example) pilferage (for example lisa OS) it is no criminal in doing such with him... in russian it is :"вор у вора украл..."
2. I will switch to opensuse. Now I have some troubles with hardware. (Only windows, knoppix, opensuse with xen kernel is working well... I use opensuse, but with xen i cannot configure the net correctly.)
- dodgy copy of ArchiCAD
I has no any... I has only 11
I think that virtual building is not realy best for drafting... as for me personly I like work with page... wo any 3d modelling (3d modeling with stand alone modeller)...
GS well do AC and it realy pretty good... I working with it from 5-8.1 and try 10...
I want use AC only for creating library parts... So I will use student version for that if it will be free. And also I try to run it on linux. And will test linux version if it will be needed.
Two words about cost of AC. One of important criteria in choosing CAD application is price. It is very high as for me personly. GS not thinking about place of architect... for example if some arch's who working in NY, LA or Moscow have studio 10 workplaces (for example), earn more money for their work and pay for AC 2000 USD and if i work in province, work alone i have to pay 6000 for same workplace... But my competitors in my region use it for 5 US...
How you think is it possible to me, pay to GS cost of one workplace?
In any way I'll switch on GNU or low cost (>1000US) CAD for linux operating system. I think about buying mac, but for it cost here, I should not till at least four years.