I've been playing with AC10 for the last few weeks, after using AC6.5 (I think) before two years of AutoCAD and I've just screwed up my lovely perspective...
1. On my 'Perspective Settings' window, the 'distance' goes back to 0.010 and the Azimuth to 0.00 degrees. This unables me to actually see anything on the screen (the perspective view) while the axonometric view always shows as 'fit to screen' and not keeping the last zoom I've chosen.
2. Also, in the 'Navigator Preview' window, on the option 'See from Side', it looks like the camera is not looking at my building but on the opposite direction. It this normal?
3. How can I save my rendering as pdf or jpg?
4. can we save multiple 3D views on the project's map?
5. How can we open multiple files in ArchiCAD?
Your help is greatly appreciated.