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timber trusses

Peter Bennison
I have quite a complex roof to construct on my Dordogne farmhouse and am having trouble with junctions on rafters, purlins, king post trusses etc using angled beams, would I maybe do better constructing each beam as a mini roof element ? How do all you timber framers work it out ?

140415 Le Maine Choisy.jpg
Archicad 21 FR MacBook 2.5 Ghz Intel Core i7 16Mo RAM MacOS Sierra
Ralph Wessel
Peter wrote:
I have quite a complex roof to construct on my Dordogne farmhouse and am having trouble with junctions on rafters, purlins, king post trusses etc using angled beams, would I maybe do better constructing each beam as a mini roof element ? How do all you timber framers work it out ?
Take a look at FrameWright or OBJECTiVE.
Ralph Wessel BArch
Active Thread Ltd