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Community Platform, Filter search by start of topic / reply to topic

It would be useful to be able to filter a search result to only show posts that are start of topics and not replies. Currently it isn't possible to get a clean list with e.g all topics started by me in the wish forum.


Clicking on your / a user name takes you to User Activity with Posts & Replies. Does that help?


I have used it myself when I loose track of a reply to a post I made.

Apple iMac Intel i9 / macOS Sonoma / AC27UKI (most recent builds.. if they work)

Yes, there it is possible to differentiate posts and replies - but not filter by location.... Adding search and filte to User Activity would actually be more useful as the primary objective was to keep track on what I have written. Add to that the ability to pin and incorporate bookmarks/subscriptions and a unread functionality. That would actually be a rather effective hub for keeping track of your interests at the forums.