Singapore Bus Stops!


Singaporeans (and anyone who has ever visited Singapore) would notice our bus stops which are modular in nature, functional and unique to Singapore.
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The bus-stop comprises of several elements:

  1. Roof / Shelter 
    The length varies islandwide - longer busstops can be found at high traffic places like town, while the typical residential busstop has a smaller length.

  2. Columns + beams
    Varies according to length of busstop.
    Some busstops also have 2 beams per columns, while some have only 1.

  3. Backing panels
    These panels usually serve as information boards, advertisement boards + keep out some sun.
    Different materials such as acrylic / glass, aluminium display panels, etc are used.

  4. Benches


In my model, each of these elements are modifiable. You can adjust the length of the busstop (you can adjust in multiples of 2m) or you can input the number of panels required.


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Now, we can easily try out various configurations of elements to document the different busstops all over Singapore!