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Parametric design
About Rhino & Grasshopper and PARAM-O.

Archicad Live Slab from Boundary Curves (mac)

Not applicable

I am trying to make a slab with a hole in Archicad using the surface from boundary curves in grasshopper. Grasshopper and rhino crashes when I connect the surface to the polygon AC component.

This is described as possible on AC (https://helpcenter.graphisoft.com/knowledgebase/74412/4 ) and I was wondering if this is a mac problem or an AC live issue.

Not applicable
Tried it on Windows and have the same issue.

Also another issue i've noticed, when intersecting a brep (a simple box) with a plane and feeding the resulting curve/s as input for zone/s, slab/s, wall/s, etc Rhino crashes.

If i rebuild the curve/s, everything is fine.

Tryed all of the above with same results on:
Archicad 23 + RH 6 (Windows)
Archicad 22 + RH 6 (Windows)

worked on:
Archicad 22 + RH5 (Mac)
Not applicable
Just following up in case anyone has some advice. Thanks Tudor,
Minh Nguyen
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni
Hi All,

Thank you very much for reporting the issue and I am sorry about the experience!

Currently, we are investigating this problem and working on how to fix this. My first comment is, this may relate to both the Live Connection add-on and Rhino 6, therefore we may need an update for the add-on (and maybe ARCHICAD as well) in order for Rhino 6 to work properly with ARCHICAD!

I am very sorry about the situation! If you are working on an important project, I would suggest using Rhino 5 at the moment in order to avoid similar issues!

Thank you very much for your understanding! Have a nice Sunday!

Best regards,

Minh Nguyen
Technical Support Engineer