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Parametric design
About Rhino & Grasshopper and PARAM-O.

Questions from a beginner (Grasshopper Connection)


I have just started looking into Grasshopper/Rhino/ArchiCAD and I have a few questions about the functionality of it.

1. is it possible to get/send data to and from Project info or Layout info in ArchiCAD using Grasshopper?
2. Is it possible to identity SEO in an ArchiCAD model in Rhino.
3. Can you manipulate layout information?

If you are able to shed some light on any of my questions then it would be much appreciated.

ArchiCAD 23

Windows 10
Not applicable

Unfortunately to all your question answer is No.

Layouts - unfortunately, no access to Layouts/Drawings/ViewMaps yet. Either send or receive. Hopefully, it will be available one day.

Project Infor - Also no. However, PI file is quite simple XML so you can parse data from/to grasshopper if you need to. Personally, I don't see much advantage of tweaking PI data in Grasshopper.

SEO is not available as well. I suppose you want to manage SEO in Grass? This might be interesting. From Grass to AC you can use SHAPES instead of native AC elements for cut objects.

If you describe what are you trying to accomplish in more detail we can think of some workarounds
Thank you for the reply!
Very useful to know so I don't waste my time on it.
One more question, are you able to read / input data into specific elements? e.g. walls, doors, windows?

ArchiCAD 23

Windows 10
Just one more question... Can you force a door to rename the ID based on other criteria? (Such as Zone or Storey)
ArchiCAD 23

Windows 10
Not applicable
Yes and No. It's more complex question.

Since 2.0 you can manipulate GLD objects very efficiently.
Input is quite simple - you have a component for it. In the manual, you will find instruction on how to modify GDL to be able to select and manipulate parameters it works for doors and windows as well. Without it you can only place element.
Reading data is quite ok. But surprisingly some basic stuff is missing such as w/h and IFC props.

For second question specifics are welcome. Changing ID is possible. However, changing with according to Story is simpler since you can read Story relations of the element. Actually, this kind of stuff can be done inside AC no Grasshopper needed.

Zones are a bit more tricky. There is a native relationship based on Zone Number (no clue why not ID) so you read both Zones that doors are connected to. This can be done in AC as well but limited to Zone number which is not so practical.
Therefore I started to experiment with grasshopper but I haven't found any better solution than playing with ClosestPoint and sorting list to check relation. If you have it, rest is quite easy going. You read zone ID and put it to door ID.

Be aware of the performance of the Connection. Complex geometry and too many elements can crash Rh and AC. So it's better to create small scripts doing specific tasks.
I have an example of something that we might want to accomplish.
Say I have a walls that a variety of lengths. Could I set something up to input a specific property if a wall is under say 3m and input a different property if the wall is over 3m? This is as simple of an example as I could think of

ArchiCAD 23

Windows 10
This can be achieved using conditional logic.
Note: Seems that still is not possible to control de reference line when creating a wall from GH.
What is the function that connects height, first number and data 0?
ArchiCAD 23

Windows 10
Is it possible to create an 'if' statement within grasshopper? If {this} then do {that}?
ArchiCAD 23

Windows 10
Not applicable
Yes, there are ways of making such statements. Actually good example leceta shows one way how to do it. (If elements is larger then… else..)

Have you tried this script on a large amount of walls?
I don't understand your note about control of reference line. What did you mean?

Actually i hope that this kind of stuff will be possible in AC22 with Expressions for properties.