Project data & BIM
About BIM-based management of attributes, schedules, templates, favorites, hotlinks, projects in general, quality assurance, etc.

Basic Selection INFO PALETTE question

Not applicable
This question is so basic, but it has me at a stand still for work today - I lost the palette that gives you the information on your currently selected element. Example: if you select a polyline, usually there's a palette above that shows you the layer, the orientation to create, the color selected, etc.

But the palette has disappeared, and I've turned on all the toolbars and palettes, and it didn't show up. Is it off my screen somehow? I've restarted ArchiCAD, did not help. Please let me know!

ps. I'm on ArchiCAD SE
Just reload the default Work Environment.
Go to Options - Work Environment - Apply Profile - Standard Profile.
(Note that this will also change your custom shortcuts. If you want to change just the UI go to Options - Work Environment - Work Environment. Select Workspace schemes in the list to the left (towards the bottom) then select Standard Workspace then hit Apply Scheme)
macOS Sequoia