I think if we looked at your best set of CDs, and ours, we'd find a lot of similarities. Our partners are likewise extremely particular.
Everything must be just so, and that is not always possible with out of the box parts, etc.
We should compare notes sometime, on topics such as window and other schedules, details workflow, optimized DWG translator settings (when to publish from LBKs and when from ArchiCad), etc. You know, the whole list of stuff that nobody really knows how to do, or at least not quickly and easily.
Even ID management is something even a newbie should know, so there is no need to sort and filter parts later to run a schedule, etc, etc. I don't know how many times I've had to turn 'enable multi-platform format' on and 'auto ID increase' off....
Andy Thomson, M.Arch, OAA, MRAICDirector
Thomson Architecture, Inc.Instructor/Lecturer, Toronto Metropolitan University Faculty of Engineering & Architectural Science
AC26/iMacPro/MPB Silicon M2Pro