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Hotlink Bugs

We have a large .plp file in our office that has 3-4 people working in it and 1-2 dozen hotlinks (combination of .pln, .plp, and .mod files). The past few days we've come across an interesting problem. We have hotlinked entire floors into the main project and some of these floors are starting to show up double. So the 2nd floor will some how copy itself to the 1st floor and be in someone elses workspace than the person who originally owned the 1st or 2nd floor. Or the 1st floor will copy on top of itself and again be owned by someone else.

Does that make sense? Has anyone else come across anything like this? It seems a safe bet that it's just a large old file with too much going on, but I'm hoping it's something actually fixable.

Also I know in AutoCAD there's a purge and audit function. Is there anything like that in ArchiCAD? I'm hoping to find bad things and remove them in hopes of improving the file's functionality.

Jared Banks, AIA
Shoegnome Architects

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Are you on Archicad 9?

I saw that bug a lot. It had to do with people trying to update hotlinks that were not in their workspace/
Tom Waltz
Yes. Archicad 9. And yes that makes sense. I do recall both yesterday and today that one of the doublings occurred to a hotlink that I updated but was not in my workspace (it usually is). And now that i think about it, that was also the case with the other doubling. Actually in that case the hotlink had two instances, one on the 2nd floor and one on the 3rd floor. And each floor was in the workspace of a different teammate. In that case though the hotlink showed up on the 1st floor. But that all makes sense. I'll keep an eye out if it happens again.

I'm glad that it's not completely a size issue because this drawing is going to get bigger and has many months of intensive work yet in it...

Jared Banks, AIA
Shoegnome Architects

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There never was any resolution to that bug, as I remember.

Our work-around was to make sure one sign-in kept open with the modules in that workspace and saved as a PLC. That way, anyone could open that PLC, update the modules, then Send/Receive for others to see. It was a pain, but it worked.
Tom Waltz
That does sound like a pain. Fortunately the office is small enough that I hope we can just be vigilant and avoid updating hotlinks that we don't control; I've already let the rest of the team know...

Have you come across something similar with copying and pasting pieces of groups or hotlinks that aren't in your workspace? We had a guy in the office do that (or something similar) and the result included lines he couldn't select/delete/move/etc. It was quite a pain. You could select the group once, but after that one action (whether deselecting, moving, copying, etc) half of it would become unselectable. The final result was a bunch of undoing, reopening the project, and finally making the group, cutting it into another drawing, copying and pasting it there/regrouping it, and copying it back into the original file. After that process of bringing it into another file and back everything was fine.
Jared Banks, AIA
Shoegnome Architects

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Archicad Work Environment: www.shoegnome.com/work-environment/
Archicad Tutorial Videos: www.youtube.com/shoegnome
JaredBanks wrote:
That does sound like a pain. Fortunately the office is small enough that I hope we can just be vigilant and avoid updating hotlinks that we don't control; I've already let the rest of the team know...

Have you come across something similar with copying and pasting pieces of groups or hotlinks that aren't in your workspace? We had a guy in the office do that (or something similar) and the result included lines he couldn't select/delete/move/etc. It was quite a pain. You could select the group once, but after that one action (whether deselecting, moving, copying, etc) half of it would become unselectable. The final result was a bunch of undoing, reopening the project, and finally making the group, cutting it into another drawing, copying and pasting it there/regrouping it, and copying it back into the original file. After that process of bringing it into another file and back everything was fine.
I had to do that on a 9-person team. It was a real pain.

I have not seen the grouping problem, but I imagine it's related.
Tom Waltz